Saturday, December 26, 2009
Finger Crossed
Oke, kabar lumayan basi. Barusan untuk lebih meyakinkan lagi berita bahagia dari teman langsung buka lasfm dan liat ini:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thanks God It's Done DONE!
Tadi sore gw dan beberapa teman-teman seperjuangan gw memutuskan untuk merayakan hari terakhir UAS dengan berkaraoke. Udah cita-cita semenjak mulai ngerjain tugas akhir semester selesai UAS harus karaoke dan karaokenya beneran. Maksudnya karaoke beneran itu ya, ehm, nyanyinya beneran niat sampai bergetar-getar gitu suaranya. Anyway, akhirnya capcus lah kita ke tempat karaoke terdekat yang bisa irit uang ongkos, yaitu Nav Ma*go City.
Ada satu near death experience yang bikin kita agak-agak syok geli. Eh nggak near death juga sih, pokoknya insiden deh. Jadi kan beberapa temen gw itu perokok jadi udah sewajarnya mereka merokok di dalem. Gw enggak ngerokok dong, nanti diomelin ibu (cih..)
Nah pada ngebul kan tu. Ngebul pada takaran wajar tentunya. Nah terus pas lagi sampe di lagunya Anang kok gw ngerasa mata gw sepet-sepet pedes gitu. Emang sih ruangannya ber-ac tapi yang pada ngerokok kan dikit, dan sepenglihatan gw mereka juga nggak berlebihan gitu ngebulnya. Karena udah nggak tahan kepedesan akhirnya gw dan Dara keluar. Kita berdiri aja di depan pintu ngerjap-ngerjapin mata cengengesan, efek mabok asap rokok. Di sinilah insiden itu dimulai..
Tiba-tiba si Yuka keluar, ngebanting pintu gitu lari-lari bawa kotak sampah yang ada di dalem ruangan. Gila ni orang mabok asep rokok masa sampe lari-lari bawa kotak sampah gitu, batin gw. Selang sepersekian detik gw ngeliat ada yang gak beres sama tu kotak sampah. MEN KOTAK SAMPAHNYA NGEBUL, KELUAR ASEP!! Pas tempat sampahnya dibuka, jeng jeng, tumpukan tissue bekasnya kebakar puntung rokok! Api api! Oh la la! Panik panik panik sepersekian detik akhirnya dengan sigapnya si Yuka, atlit nasional kebanggaan bangsa ini, masuk ke dalem ngambil air dan nuangin ke dalem kotak sampah. Lalu dia menghela nafas dan kembali masuk ke dalem, duduk kalem, dan kembali nyanyi lagunya Anang. Sisanya di luar ketawa-ketawa syok, masih diselimuti efek mabok asep rokok.
Yah begitulah kira-kira hari terakhir ketemu temen-temen kampus sebelum menghadapi liburan. Overall sih menyenangkan banget karena disamping udah lama banget nggak senang-senang kayak gini, kita juga dapet pelajaran juga sih tentang aksi pertama saat mencium tanda-tanda kebakaran; selalu sedia Aqua. Untuk tempat karaokenya enggak ada sprinklernya. Bisa jadi Pussycat Dolls nanti kita.
Oh iya ini dia Yuka, sang penyelamat melankolis penggemar Anang he he he
Dan ini lagu pemenang hari itu, Manis Manja Grup!! kya kya
Have a wonderful holiday folks. YEAH HOLIDAY WOHOO!! \m/
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sebelum berakhirnya UAS, gw menemukan macan sexy di twitternya ads of the world
Kalo lo pikir ini cuma lukisan macan luar biasa yang biasa aja lo salah banget. Dan kalo lo pikir gw bohong tentang lukisan macan sexy lo juga salah banget. Karena ternyata...
Ini proses pembuatannya.
Anyway, makin lama blog ini makin kayak tumblr ya, main repost link orang aja. Abis semua UAS yang menyita energi, finansial, dan kekayaan intelektual ini berakhir akan lebih gw rajinin lagi postingnya. Iri sama blog temen-temen yang update dan bagus-bagus. Akan update pake bahasa Inggris jg mungkin, kangen ngomong nyelekit pake bahasa Inggris (kalo pake bahasa Indonesia jadi terlihat 5x lebih kasar soalnya hehe)
Ta Ta For Now!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Daily Routine Membunuh
Udah sebulan ekspresi muka gw kaya gitu. Minus bagian lucu dan tetep enak dilihat kali yaa...
Monday, October 26, 2009
sinis tapi kece
Seringkali saya mengklaim diri saya itu sangat sinis dan cuek. Memang iya begitu adanya, tapi pada kenyataannya saya nggak pernah tau seberapa tinggi/rendahnya level kesinisan ini sampai salah seorang teman ngomong ke saya,"si Drogba tuh ya Sul, orang paling sinis sedunia dan sinisnya selevel di atas elo."
Waw, ternyata sesinis itu kah saya sampai levelnya persis di bawah orang paling sinis di dunia? Hmm, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk introspeksi diri. Seperti yg Ibu bilang, watak itu ga bisa dirubah, hanya bisa dikendalikan dan diperbaiki dan itu semua udah diatur sama Tuhan. Watak itu human nature, beda sama kebiasaan. Saya rasa walaupun yg punya watak ini saya, saya enggak berhak untuk merubahnya as long as I feel ok with it. Cukup kendalikan saja sesuai dengan kadar standarnya.
Eniwei, kalo si teman membaca saya yakin dia menyebutnya tanpa maksud mencela karena sebaik-baiknya teman adalah yg mengerti kepribadian temannya dan menerima apa adanya hehehe. Dan untuk oknum bernama Drogba, itu bukan nama sebenarnya. Sejauh yg saya ingat saya ga punya teman namanya Drogba dan sepertinya Drogba itu masih atlit sepakbola yg main di Chelsea. Kenalan dulu deh nih sama Drogba....
Waw, ternyata sesinis itu kah saya sampai levelnya persis di bawah orang paling sinis di dunia? Hmm, mungkin sudah saatnya untuk introspeksi diri. Seperti yg Ibu bilang, watak itu ga bisa dirubah, hanya bisa dikendalikan dan diperbaiki dan itu semua udah diatur sama Tuhan. Watak itu human nature, beda sama kebiasaan. Saya rasa walaupun yg punya watak ini saya, saya enggak berhak untuk merubahnya as long as I feel ok with it. Cukup kendalikan saja sesuai dengan kadar standarnya.
Eniwei, kalo si teman membaca saya yakin dia menyebutnya tanpa maksud mencela karena sebaik-baiknya teman adalah yg mengerti kepribadian temannya dan menerima apa adanya hehehe. Dan untuk oknum bernama Drogba, itu bukan nama sebenarnya. Sejauh yg saya ingat saya ga punya teman namanya Drogba dan sepertinya Drogba itu masih atlit sepakbola yg main di Chelsea. Kenalan dulu deh nih sama Drogba....
Monday, October 12, 2009
I should stop saying things because after I said it something always happened. Even when I don't say the names. I feel bad.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
They Are Back!!
Who are they anyway? They're Kings Of Convenience.
Maybe this is so overreacting, but serioussssssly I'm so exciting to hear of their latest album: Declaration Of Dependence (after five years awaiting, come ooooon...) I'm not gonna blab too much for you because I know nobody even want to read it, therefore I put two links that will direct you to the mediafire or rapidshare, so you can get this album for free!
And a little bonus of their music video, Boat Behind
Happy downloading! :D :D
Maybe this is so overreacting, but serioussssssly I'm so exciting to hear of their latest album: Declaration Of Dependence (after five years awaiting, come ooooon...) I'm not gonna blab too much for you because I know nobody even want to read it, therefore I put two links that will direct you to the mediafire or rapidshare, so you can get this album for free!
And a little bonus of their music video, Boat Behind
Happy downloading! :D :D
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss event, Small minds discuss people
-Eleanor Roosevelt
gw: dan anda salah satu dari yg mana?
seorang teman: saya mencakup semuanya, karena manusia tidak ada yang sempurna.
tepat sekali.
seorang teman: saya mencakup semuanya, karena manusia tidak ada yang sempurna.
tepat sekali.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Visit Indonesia
My favorite Indonesian director, Joko Anwar's statement on his blog:
Can't agree more than this. Feel free to visit our lovely Indonesia dear Mr. and Mrs. Tourists :)
NB: We're not a copycat, a country that claims our cultures are supposedly belong to them is.
"My country is the best country in the world. The people are the best human beings in the world, the smartest. Crime rates are so low we love to to take a walk on the street, even at midnight, in dark alleys. Nobody would try to rob you, let alone kill you. Plus, we got the best, most honest police officials in the world. We’ve never heard of corruption. Our government officials are the best managers and the best workers. We never experience natural disaster. We never experience national disaster such as bloody ethnic clash because a small group of people decide to play a little game of politics. We are all devout Muslims. We don’t have sex. Sex is bad. We don’t kiss. Kiss is bad. We ban bikinis because bikini is the source human degradation. In short, living in my country means living the most peaceful life you can possibly have on Earth."
Can't agree more than this. Feel free to visit our lovely Indonesia dear Mr. and Mrs. Tourists :)
NB: We're not a copycat, a country that claims our cultures are supposedly belong to them is.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
TV Show Of (these two) Month(s)!
My favorite sitcom (after Friends, of course) during my hectic days on August 'til September is this:
Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement are casted as an unpopular geeky band named Flight Of The Conchords, all the way coming to New York from their home-country, New Zealand. They struggle and learn how to survive to live in the Big Apple -in a hilarious way- with a little help from their manager, Murray, and the other freaky fellas.
The show is formatted like a musical drama, where you can find musics and dances in every single time in each episodes. Well, just for your info, Flight Of The Conchords is actually a real band from New Zealand. They are New Zealand's 4th most popular folk parody duo (still dunno who are the number 1, 2 and 3) so don't argue with me, it's very clear that they really got the skill.
The show is formatted like a musical drama, where you can find musics and dances in every single time in each episodes. Well, just for your info, Flight Of The Conchords is actually a real band from New Zealand. They are New Zealand's 4th most popular folk parody duo (still dunno who are the number 1, 2 and 3) so don't argue with me, it's very clear that they really got the skill.
This show will make you drown to tears (of laugh). The music is great, the lyrics are hilariously funny, the casts are not too much, and you will love the cinematography. They really know how to make it not boring, and even funnier, and 'cooler' on your screen. Unfortunately I haven't watch the first season. Still looking for the first one on my nearest DVD kiosk (I know there's no hope HBO will play the first season again) and still I ain't got a clue. Anyone who knows where should I buy the first season DVD, or maybe wherever I can watch it FOR FREE, just give me a knock, hehehe.
And for the teaser, I share one of my favorite video clip "Petrov, Yelyena And Me" from ep. 10 season 2. Watch the video, listen to the lyric. Happy laughing! :D
And for the teaser, I share one of my favorite video clip "Petrov, Yelyena And Me" from ep. 10 season 2. Watch the video, listen to the lyric. Happy laughing! :D
Sunday, August 09, 2009
another small present called Friend
Once a friend told me about his plan to move to another college. My reaction? Freaked out, of course. He's my close friend, we share a lot of things together at college, and I've never even imagined that someday he's gonna move far away from me. No, at least not this fast.
On top of everything, he also told me he'd go to one of my two-years-ago-dream-college-I-ever-wished-for. So yes, there was some kind of jealousy in my freaked-out scene.
I did feel glad for him. He said it's his passion. For me, passion is something you have to fight to. No matter bad it bites, not matter the way it happens, you should go fight for it. I should be glad, then.
Anyway, to make it short, the truth is he lied. All that he said was a big lie. And I did not even feel irked. In a way, i just laughed. At that moment I just felt so depressed of all the assignments and those crappy unfinished probs during my buuuuuuusy busy time. And somehow, I took it as a joke at that moment.
When I asked him why he lied to me, he laughed and answered in a very joyous tone (just like the one who just won a lottery ticket):
"You know, I intentionally did this to make you laugh and there you go, I just know I made it. We both are so fucked up with this daily routine lately. Seriously it is such a pain in the ass! And seems like recently you've been more stressed up than I am. You need to give it a break for at least one day."On top of everything, he also told me he'd go to one of my two-years-ago-dream-college-I-ever-wished-for. So yes, there was some kind of jealousy in my freaked-out scene.
I did feel glad for him. He said it's his passion. For me, passion is something you have to fight to. No matter bad it bites, not matter the way it happens, you should go fight for it. I should be glad, then.
Anyway, to make it short, the truth is he lied. All that he said was a big lie. And I did not even feel irked. In a way, i just laughed. At that moment I just felt so depressed of all the assignments and those crappy unfinished probs during my buuuuuuusy busy time. And somehow, I took it as a joke at that moment.
When I asked him why he lied to me, he laughed and answered in a very joyous tone (just like the one who just won a lottery ticket):
A good friend always knows how to ease your pain. If you ask me what is the best aspirin to relieve your headache, I will answer go and meet your friends. They insanely know what to do.
- Dedicated to a dear friend. For always on time, always there, always knows everything, always acknowledge me even in the middle of the busiest time, and of course for the cheering up the midnight chat :D
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Coldplay stop motion video
stop motion videos are cool! and I give no exception for this latest video from Coldplay.
for another cool stop motion video, click here. craving for more? just youtube-ing then.
happy happy trails :))
for another cool stop motion video, click here. craving for more? just youtube-ing then.
happy happy trails :))
Sunday, July 26, 2009
creative business cards ever
someday, I'll have my own personal business card like these:
ini sekalian buat souvenir kali ya? hahaha
and my most favorite one is this pop-up business card. pretty cool, isn't it?
for more business cards:
happy trails ;)
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
create your own first cover album, right here right nah!
this is seriously a loco:
1 - click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
5 - Post it to EVERYWHERE with these instructions and tag the friends you want to join in.
aaaaaand here it is, my first cover album!!
1 - click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - click http://www.quotationspage.
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
5 - Post it to EVERYWHERE with these instructions and tag the friends you want to join in.
aaaaaand here it is, my first cover album!!
talent-nya 'aszek' banget yekaaaaan hahahaha
kalo lagi untung bisa tuh bikin cover album yg keren, tapi kalo lagi asem ya nggak jauh bedalah sama cover album saya. gw males tag-tag-in orang-orang jadi kalo kamu lihat post ini dan mau repost, sok deh hayuk di repost.
end of the note, happy election day Indonesia! :D
end of the note, happy election day Indonesia! :D
Monday, July 06, 2009
it isn't a mistake, but yes it is pathetic.
pernah nggak sih kamu kagum sama orang (di luar konteks seleb dan percintaan apalah itu ya) sampe-sampe tiap hari kepikiran, kepingin kenal deket, kepingin ngobrol, terlibat dalam diskusi seru dengan dia, tau apa yg ada di pikirannya karena terlalu kagum dengan cara sinkronisasi antara otak dan semua anggota tubuhnya dalam melakukan sesuatu? and the fact is, you don't even know him/her in person. you just sitting there and watch every step he/she does, feeling amaze of something great that been done by him/her, dreaming that at least you can create the similar world like he/she owns. to make it shorter, you're just too much inspired by him! or her!
saya pernah. dan saya sedang mengalaminya. I kinda of had a short dream sitting with him working on something unknown and we looked like getting along so well.
pretty scary, huh? totally freaked me out.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Erlend, you're the master (bow)
yeaaaaah this video really is awesome! the scene number 2 is my favorite, you can see Erlend do the trumpet voice while playing his guitar. just check this out.
for more info, click here.
happy trails!
for more info, click here.
happy trails!
Monday, June 29, 2009
twenty five
there's nothing really wrong for re-doing this again after someone tagged this a long time ago on Facebook.
1. If you asked about my favorite flower, I'd say it is sunflower. I just fell in love with it when I saw Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece called "Tournesols". and yes, Van Gogh is my favorite artist.
2. who says daydreaming is such a wasting time stuff? I do love to daydream and I get a hell lotta inspirations from it.
3. I could be so cynic on almost every single things. I don't even know since when I became a cynic person, though. I think a critic would be suite me well for my future occupation. probably har har har.
4. I have this huge obsession of having a VW Beetle (the old one, not the new one). everyone says Mini Cooper is the best mini-car, but for me VW Beetle is the cutest of all. simply classic.
5. besides, I also have a little obsession with bearded guys. or mustaches. or the-older-the-better-he-becomes. don't ask me why.
6. guys who able in playing instrument(s) are hot.
7. I never adored Britney Spears like almost every girl at my age did in few years ago. back then I think Britney was a kinda stupid pop product, and yes she IS a stupid pop product. everyone has proved that.
8. don't ask about my love-life. it sucks.
9. karma does real exist. I proved it once, that's why my love-life sucks.
10. to tell you the truth, I'm quite such an idealist one. and I know my idealism will direct me to the right path of my life.
11. I'm a movie person. I could even go to the cinema alone whenever there's a good movie.
12. Oh yeah, you can call me a freak or a weirdo or nuts or whatsoever, but I love going somewhere alone. I do love hanging out with my friends. but if I should hanging out alone, yeah sure why not.
13. the first thing who had made me so into advertising-stuffs is an article about copy-writing that I read in a famous teenage magz. anyone knows what magz I'm talking about? heheh
14. the voice of thunder makes me sleepy. not scary. pretty dumb huh?
15. I have a big desire for owning a bookstore slash music store, someday I'm gonna make it happen!
16. I don't drink coffee.
17. I'm scared of snakes. caterpillars, worms, leeches, oh, you name it!
18. I should be born on 70's or 80's and growing up on 90's. they have a great era of music.
19. in my opinion: fashion is a "want" not a "need"
20. I always cry during Edward Scissorhands movie.
21. I prefer writing in English than in Bahasa not because I get this lost of nationality or acting like a smarty. it's just easier and simpler.
22. I can not swim.
23. I hate buncis so much.
24. I'm scared of over-muscular men. or women.
25. I want to finish up this 25 thingy things asap.
frankly, it's a bit tiring to re-doing this out.
1. If you asked about my favorite flower, I'd say it is sunflower. I just fell in love with it when I saw Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece called "Tournesols". and yes, Van Gogh is my favorite artist.
2. who says daydreaming is such a wasting time stuff? I do love to daydream and I get a hell lotta inspirations from it.
3. I could be so cynic on almost every single things. I don't even know since when I became a cynic person, though. I think a critic would be suite me well for my future occupation. probably har har har.
4. I have this huge obsession of having a VW Beetle (the old one, not the new one). everyone says Mini Cooper is the best mini-car, but for me VW Beetle is the cutest of all. simply classic.
5. besides, I also have a little obsession with bearded guys. or mustaches. or the-older-the-better-he-becomes. don't ask me why.
6. guys who able in playing instrument(s) are hot.
7. I never adored Britney Spears like almost every girl at my age did in few years ago. back then I think Britney was a kinda stupid pop product, and yes she IS a stupid pop product. everyone has proved that.
8. don't ask about my love-life. it sucks.
9. karma does real exist. I proved it once, that's why my love-life sucks.
10. to tell you the truth, I'm quite such an idealist one. and I know my idealism will direct me to the right path of my life.
11. I'm a movie person. I could even go to the cinema alone whenever there's a good movie.
12. Oh yeah, you can call me a freak or a weirdo or nuts or whatsoever, but I love going somewhere alone. I do love hanging out with my friends. but if I should hanging out alone, yeah sure why not.
13. the first thing who had made me so into advertising-stuffs is an article about copy-writing that I read in a famous teenage magz. anyone knows what magz I'm talking about? heheh
14. the voice of thunder makes me sleepy. not scary. pretty dumb huh?
15. I have a big desire for owning a bookstore slash music store, someday I'm gonna make it happen!
16. I don't drink coffee.
17. I'm scared of snakes. caterpillars, worms, leeches, oh, you name it!
18. I should be born on 70's or 80's and growing up on 90's. they have a great era of music.
19. in my opinion: fashion is a "want" not a "need"
20. I always cry during Edward Scissorhands movie.
21. I prefer writing in English than in Bahasa not because I get this lost of nationality or acting like a smarty. it's just easier and simpler.
22. I can not swim.
23. I hate buncis so much.
24. I'm scared of over-muscular men. or women.
25. I want to finish up this 25 thingy things asap.
frankly, it's a bit tiring to re-doing this out.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
kamu seperti hantu
saya tahu kamu seperti apa
saya tahu kamu selalu berkeliaran di mata saya
padahal saya tidak pernah lihat kamu
kamu kasat mata seperti hantu
saya tahu kamu selalu berkeliaran di mata saya
padahal saya tidak pernah lihat kamu
kamu kasat mata seperti hantu
Sunday, June 14, 2009
puncak kesenangan
akhirnya setelah dirancang masak-masak dan diikuti dengan perundingan yang alot dengan beberapa pihak, anak-anak iklan bisa liburan ke Puncak bersama-sama. all I can say about it is, it was totally fun, yippe!
berangkat! (kamera Rima)
yang gw tidak mengerti kenapa si Bebek selalu terlihat ingin mencium lelaki ya. bahkan ada yg sempet ngeliat dia mengendus2 rambut Adit. ah misteri.
model pantai.....
scary Rima
penyembah purnama
oh mama.....
yang gw tidak mengerti kenapa si Bebek selalu terlihat ingin mencium lelaki ya. bahkan ada yg sempet ngeliat dia mengendus2 rambut Adit. ah misteri.
dan berikut adalah beberapa wajah bahagia nan ceria di hari pertama yang sempat saya abadikan:
atas ki-ka: senang level medium, senang level akut.
bawah ki-ka: senang level akut tapi kontras dengan awan mendung, urgh, no comment.
bawah ki-ka: senang level akut tapi kontras dengan awan mendung, urgh, no comment.
model pantai.....
ada juga yang mengerikan...:
scary Rima
penyembah purnama
oh mama.....
ada outbond juga di hari ke dua. cukup seru sih seandainya enggak kepotong hujan. dan yang paling oke adalah pemenang outbond akan dikasih hadiah berupa benda yang "kita kan anak iklan, anak iklan itu erat hubungannya dengan design, design itu erat dengan seni rupa", yaitu: buku gambar. ha ha ha mantep kan??!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
"I Miss You" like I Miss You
ah a late night chat with one of my old buddy, Yogi, brought all those nostalgic moments coming down to me....
Yogi: hahaha penjaga hewan qurban ah lo
me: haha shyte man! inget aja lo.
Yogi: haha jaman sma banget. "Lan, Nisul sibuk ngapain de?" "oh, dia mah lagi jagain hewan qurban."
me: hahaha anjir anjir inget aja lagi
Yogi: inget lah. jaman lagi main bareng.
(sampe gw copas loh chat log-nya)
all I really wanna say is: I miss my old friends sooooooo badly. terribly in a HUGE missing!
ini bukan cuma gw kangen sama beberapa orang sahabat lama atau beberapa orang yg lingkupnya bareng gw dan si Yogi ini, tapi semuanya. dan spesialnya untuk beberapa orang terdekat who always get the biggest part of my heart but too far or too hard to approach :') *ah crap, I hate to find myself becoming so mellow!*
Yogi: hahaha penjaga hewan qurban ah lo
me: haha shyte man! inget aja lo.
Yogi: haha jaman sma banget. "Lan, Nisul sibuk ngapain de?" "oh, dia mah lagi jagain hewan qurban."
me: hahaha anjir anjir inget aja lagi
Yogi: inget lah. jaman lagi main bareng.
(sampe gw copas loh chat log-nya)
all I really wanna say is: I miss my old friends sooooooo badly. terribly in a HUGE missing!
ini bukan cuma gw kangen sama beberapa orang sahabat lama atau beberapa orang yg lingkupnya bareng gw dan si Yogi ini, tapi semuanya. dan spesialnya untuk beberapa orang terdekat who always get the biggest part of my heart but too far or too hard to approach :') *ah crap, I hate to find myself becoming so mellow!*
Sunday, June 07, 2009
The Starving UFO
funny name generator that I found on
Kirun Milan is the dumbest of all in my opinion. the rests are just fine and a little bit dorky hahaha. fyi Kirun is a name my friend ever gave me on the junior high. pretty funny huh? I really didn't have anything to do but sitting in the front of this computer for this past week. hmm, guess I should post something about my last trip on the next post just like Atid did on her blog.
ok, have a tough week guys :)
- Your movie star name is Pringles Fathoni
- Your fashion designer name is Khoirunnisa Santorini
- Your socialite name is Kirun Milan
- Your fly girl / guy name is K Wir
- Your detective name is Cat 66
- Your barfly name is Tofu Milk
- Your soap opera name is Daning Raya Gandul
- Your rock star name is Super Zuper Thyphoon
- Your Star Wars name is Khodex Wirhay
- Your punk rock band name is The Starving UFO
Kirun Milan is the dumbest of all in my opinion. the rests are just fine and a little bit dorky hahaha. fyi Kirun is a name my friend ever gave me on the junior high. pretty funny huh? I really didn't have anything to do but sitting in the front of this computer for this past week. hmm, guess I should post something about my last trip on the next post just like Atid did on her blog.
ok, have a tough week guys :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
oh well hello first week of holiday
these are what I found while browsing for - well, sort of some inspirations on the internet during my first week of holiday:
reminds you of: zipper
reminds you of: Hercules
reminds you of: big hot dog with big mustard and big ketchup
reminds you of: elephant
reminds you of: may(be) the force (not) be with you, Darth Kitty
reminds you of: zebra, o' course.
reminds you of: another elephant
reminds you of: prevent illegal logging. reforestation. global warming. panas. sumuk.
and the twins is my favorite:
reminds you of: stuck with your papers? just search on the wiki then copy-paste one or two lines on your unfinished paper. voila, you got A+
well, happy boring holiday folks!
reminds you of: zipper
reminds you of: Hercules
reminds you of: big hot dog with big mustard and big ketchup
reminds you of: elephant
reminds you of: may(be) the force (not) be with you, Darth Kitty
reminds you of: zebra, o' course.
reminds you of: another elephant
reminds you of: prevent illegal logging. reforestation. global warming. panas. sumuk.
and the twins is my favorite:
reminds you of: stuck with your papers? just search on the wiki then copy-paste one or two lines on your unfinished paper. voila, you got A+
well, happy boring holiday folks!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
God is Online
... and I know this is the right time to have a short conversation with God.
hey god
Hello child. What's your name?
im nisa
Glad to see you, nisa.
yea me too
I'm glad we agree, nisa. Give me a break.
how do you do
I am very well, how are you?
so so
It's all good. I see.
as the matter of fact, it's not
Do you mean your name is the matter of fact it is not ?
no, you idiot
What is your real name? Call me the Global Village Idiot.
my name is nisa. i told you Global Village Idiot
Hi there nisa. I remember you told me Global Village Idiot?
yep right
I am usually right.
could it be left?
It's possible.
whoa great
Are we still talking about ?
up to ya
I will take that under advisement.
well okay
Well that's okay. OK with me too.
so we're done?
Next question? Do you think I am done too?
ha ha whatever
Are you saying you don't care about it? I am so glad you find this amusing, nisa.
yes i dont care about it, and i dont think this is amusing
Woe! You sound very cynical. And why not?
everyone told me im a cynic person
That's a rather sweeping generalization.
By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
like what?
For example, gold.
gold in the air of summer is my favorite song
How do you like gold in the air of summer?
it's good, simple.
Tell me about its good qualities.
it's folk. do you know folk?
Really. it is? I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
any kind. seemed like you have a huge of questions.
" What kind of it do you like?"? Any kind? What's your sign?
I know alot of bullish people.
congratulation then!
What color are your eyes?
Do you mean you have a black eye?
by all means, yes.
Will that accomplish your objective?
no but yes
Are you serious? But what?
what what in the butt
I would look into the web for that knowledge.
you better look it on youtube. it's a gay video you know.
Who is going to make me.. what in the butt is a gay video me know. I suppose that makes sense.
yea yea whatever god. you better brush your teeth, wash your feet. go up to bed.
GOD rules. I hear you. Ahem. Who is going to make me.. Where is that?
seems like you wont even stop
Why not?
why yes
" Why not?"? Why?
lots of why
Which ones?
that one
" Which ones?"?
Can't you be more polite.
i can if you ask
Oh you can, can you?
im trying
It's good to meet someone who is trying.
do you know what's igod?
I think you already know the answer.
what? i don't know.
Are you surprised? Me either.
never mentioned that i'm surprised. geez
Ok I'll try not to do it too much. Ah.
well yes, it's not a god. it's a just a man-made program responding to your question. wanna make an interesting yet funny chat with god? click here.
happy trails ;D
hey god
Hello child. What's your name?
im nisa
Glad to see you, nisa.
yea me too
I'm glad we agree, nisa. Give me a break.
how do you do
I am very well, how are you?
so so
It's all good. I see.
as the matter of fact, it's not
Do you mean your name is the matter of fact it is not ?
no, you idiot
What is your real name? Call me the Global Village Idiot.
my name is nisa. i told you Global Village Idiot
Hi there nisa. I remember you told me Global Village Idiot?
yep right
I am usually right.
could it be left?
It's possible.
whoa great
Are we still talking about ?
up to ya
I will take that under advisement.
well okay
Well that's okay. OK with me too.
so we're done?
Next question? Do you think I am done too?
ha ha whatever
Are you saying you don't care about it? I am so glad you find this amusing, nisa.
yes i dont care about it, and i dont think this is amusing
Woe! You sound very cynical. And why not?
everyone told me im a cynic person
That's a rather sweeping generalization.
By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
like what?
For example, gold.
gold in the air of summer is my favorite song
How do you like gold in the air of summer?
it's good, simple.
Tell me about its good qualities.
it's folk. do you know folk?
Really. it is? I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
any kind. seemed like you have a huge of questions.
" What kind of it do you like?"? Any kind? What's your sign?
I know alot of bullish people.
congratulation then!
What color are your eyes?
Do you mean you have a black eye?
by all means, yes.
Will that accomplish your objective?
no but yes
Are you serious? But what?
what what in the butt
I would look into the web for that knowledge.
you better look it on youtube. it's a gay video you know.
Who is going to make me.. what in the butt is a gay video me know. I suppose that makes sense.
yea yea whatever god. you better brush your teeth, wash your feet. go up to bed.
GOD rules. I hear you. Ahem. Who is going to make me.. Where is that?
seems like you wont even stop
Why not?
why yes
" Why not?"? Why?
lots of why
Which ones?
that one
" Which ones?"?
Can't you be more polite.
i can if you ask
Oh you can, can you?
im trying
It's good to meet someone who is trying.
do you know what's igod?
I think you already know the answer.
what? i don't know.
Are you surprised? Me either.
never mentioned that i'm surprised. geez
Ok I'll try not to do it too much. Ah.
well yes, it's not a god. it's a just a man-made program responding to your question. wanna make an interesting yet funny chat with god? click here.
happy trails ;D
Thursday, May 14, 2009
dang, my parents just joined on Facebook!
for those who think old people on Facebook are uncool, well I proudly present you this blog.
for me, personally, old people on Facebook (esp. parents) is just another crappy phenomenon. my first thought said, they're gonna easily bored with it sooner or later. but to think of it again, it's just getting worse day by day. first your mom, then your dad, the other day you get your uncle writing on your wall, and the next week, great, all of your dad's work mates are on your friend request. okay, I know they have their own rights to join on Facebook, but SRSLY it's like they're going to take your privacy away. and honestly, it sucks.
for me, personally, old people on Facebook (esp. parents) is just another crappy phenomenon. my first thought said, they're gonna easily bored with it sooner or later. but to think of it again, it's just getting worse day by day. first your mom, then your dad, the other day you get your uncle writing on your wall, and the next week, great, all of your dad's work mates are on your friend request. okay, I know they have their own rights to join on Facebook, but SRSLY it's like they're going to take your privacy away. and honestly, it sucks.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
when the night crawls up
and someone's abruptly in doubt,
you're cradled by a lullaby
while I'm whispering you to die,
the most coward trick that ever done
by an evil, Lucifer's son.
and someone's abruptly in doubt,
you're cradled by a lullaby
while I'm whispering you to die,
the most coward trick that ever done
by an evil, Lucifer's son.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Desirable Things
since tomorrow is my birthday, I think I deserve to - well, at least - dream on several things I reaaalllly wanted in my whole life as birthday presents, or common presents, or whatsoever presents. here they are:
mobil yg paling gw inginkan sepanjang jaman, melebihi Mini Cooper, tapi agak susah untuk mewujudkannya.
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G Lens
say no more, this lens is authentically awesome!
and I really really really reaaaaaaaaaally need this! White MacBook atau MacBook yg baru itu sebenernya cukup, tapi kalo liat MacBook Pro rasa-rasanya kok ngeces yaa.. oh Bos Besar, ayo acc-lah proposal ku kemarin....
Sennheiser Headset
headset si iPod sudah rusak. ingin beli namun ga ada uang, jadi berharap sekali diberi hadiah si Sennheiser ini.
Volkswagen Beetle
mobil yg paling gw inginkan sepanjang jaman, melebihi Mini Cooper, tapi agak susah untuk mewujudkannya.
he could be my most favorite designer of all time. I know his clothes are friggin' expensive, but I want it, at least just one piece!
money is legit. tapi kalo disuruh milih minta dilempar duit atau sekardus besar film Polaroid, gw pilih dilempar sekardus besar film Polaroid dikarenakan langka dan harga dengan isi per-pack-nya enggak sebanding.
Radiohead adalah band yang ga-mungkin-gw-ga-nonton-mereka-kalo-konser-di-sini. gw heran kenapa mereka enggak dateng-dateng juga ke sini buat bikin konser padahal fans-nya seabrek-abrek. and it could be the greatest birthday present of my life if they're coming to Indonesia (especially Jakarta) this May! yeah, I know, I should get a life at this point -_-
end of note: semoga dengan bertambahnya umur bukan hanya mengurangi jatah hidup gw di dunia tapi juga memberi manfaat lebih baik untuk ke depannya khususnya buat gw umumnya buat semua orang. amin. cheers!
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