Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Goin' Back To My Five

been watching this video recently. well actually this is the 3rd time since Bena gave me the link via Plurk, therefore I'm still planning on watching this video for the next day, and the next day, and the next day, aaaaand the other next day until I can not count up anymore.

and this part really is stuck in my head:

"Im just trying to find, my way back to the five, got a lot on my mind gonna figure it out.."

if there's a time machine I wish I could go back to those old days. I'm freakin' curious what was on my mind at that time. what I did, what I found, what I thought. did I wish to grown up like myself right now? did I make the young-myself happy of what I've been achieving through these past years?

still I'm questioning myself.

Monday, March 30, 2009

endemik malas kuliah dan sakit kepala

si ticil ga ada kuliah.

si mita ga enak badan, tapi tetep kuliah.

si alan sekelas sama ticil, yg berarti dia ga kuliah juga.

si nindy ngemengnya mau kuliah eeehhh gara-gara ujan dia ga jadi kuliah.

tiba-tiba ada yg ngabarin ke gw si jons juga kepalanya pusing banget, tapi gw ga tau dia kuliah atau enggak.

gw di samping memang lagi males kuliah, tadi pagi mendapati kepala dan hidung gw kompakan nyut-nyutan. tau kan rasanya kalo mau pilek kaya apa.

wah ada apa ini? apakah ini sebuah endemik baru? atau sakit kepala sedang in di kalangan anak muda karena kalau malas kuliah nampaknya memang udah sifat anak kuliahan? atau jangan-jangan ini konspirasi lain dari Amerika? ah ngemeng aja lo Nis, minum neozep gih terus tidur!

First Thing First

this is my first post and hopefully won't be the last post of this blog ;)

I write everything based on what I'm thinking and what I'm sensing. I do love arts, music (though I don't even play any instrument) and movies, and since now on I'm deciding to put much attention of these issues then put it into my blog. I love to laugh, laughing is the best medicine in any kind of situation. I don't mind putting some sarcastic words on my blog since I'm a cynic person. But I'll try to put less of it ;p

So here it goes my first post. And like it or not, some random posts will be coming sooner or later. Cheerio!