Sunday, July 26, 2009

creative business cards ever

someday, I'll have my own personal business card like these:


ini sekalian buat souvenir kali ya? hahaha

and my most favorite one is this pop-up business card. pretty cool, isn't it?

for more business cards:

happy trails ;)


gogoporen said...

i just browsed those business cards not so long ago.. i had to make a new business card for my office.. :( hehe

fika farikha said...

gw udah buka site-nya..

keren punya!!!

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

hey gogoporen thanks for visiting! :D that lego business card (even it's not a card though) inspired me a lot, you know. maybe I'll make a similar one but in a very Indonesian way hehe.

fika, googling terus fik. temukan ide2 segar di setiap klik-an mouse di google anda hahaha.

deryl said...

amazing. truly inspiring kaaaak... hehehe wah nemu aja nih kak nisul hebat2 hehe

Waseem said...

if use design like that for plastic business cards it really will stand out from the rest in huge marketing environment.