Sunday, May 31, 2009

oh well hello first week of holiday

these are what I found while browsing for - well, sort of some inspirations on the internet during my first week of holiday:

reminds you of: zipper

reminds you of: Hercules

reminds you of: big hot dog with big mustard and big ketchup

reminds you of: elephant

reminds you of: may(be) the force (not) be with you, Darth Kitty

reminds you of: zebra, o' course.

reminds you of: another elephant

reminds you of: prevent illegal logging. reforestation. global warming. panas. sumuk.

and the twins is my favorite:

reminds you of: stuck with your papers? just search on the wiki then copy-paste one or two lines on your unfinished paper. voila, you got A+

well, happy boring holiday folks!


Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

yeeaa,happy holiday

lo ikut sp ga Nis?

Lia's said...

ihhh yang bayinya minta di gigit

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

sp di fisip cuma buat yg ngulang git (dan gw berdoa semoga gw ga ada yg ngulang) udah gitu satu sks 300ribu masa. dihhh

Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

oooo gitu ya? kok gw ga dah.

iya sama Nis, disini jg 300 $_$

tammi prasetyo said...

nisuuuul, drpd boring jadi staff gue buat hpd yuk yuk
gue jd lg koor hpd pdkt (pelatihan dasar kepemimpinan terpadu).
mau jd humas eksternal/internal? silahkan
bisa design? gue lagi BUTUH yang bisa design buat publikasi gue bantuin curut!
suka fotografi?nah lowongan fotografer juga dibuka kok nis :D

you choose
you decide

*gue jadi promosi gini ya* hehehehe...