Friday, September 25, 2009

Visit Indonesia

My favorite Indonesian director, Joko Anwar's statement on his blog:

"My country is the best country in the world. The people are the best human beings in the world, the smartest. Crime rates are so low we love to to take a walk on the street, even at midnight, in dark alleys. Nobody would try to rob you, let alone kill you. Plus, we got the best, most honest police officials in the world. We’ve never heard of corruption. Our government officials are the best managers and the best workers. We never experience natural disaster. We never experience national disaster such as bloody ethnic clash because a small group of people decide to play a little game of politics. We are all devout Muslims. We don’t have sex. Sex is bad. We don’t kiss. Kiss is bad. We ban bikinis because bikini is the source human degradation. In short, living in my country means living the most peaceful life you can possibly have on Earth."

Can't agree more than this. Feel free to visit our lovely Indonesia dear Mr. and Mrs. Tourists :)

NB: We're not a copycat, a country that claims our cultures are supposedly belong to them is.


Alan Dermawan Zulkifli said...

HAHAHAH. joko anwar memang punya gaya

Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

Joko anwar ganteng ya (wink)

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

apalagi pas di circle k aw aw (gw bercanda kok)