Thursday, May 14, 2009

dang, my parents just joined on Facebook!

for those who think old people on Facebook are uncool, well I proudly present you this blog.

happy trails ;D

for me, personally, old people on Facebook (esp. parents) is just another crappy phenomenon. my first thought said, they're gonna easily bored with it sooner or later. but to think of it again, it's just getting worse day by day. first your mom, then your dad, the other day you get your uncle writing on your wall, and the next week, great, all of your dad's work mates are on your friend request. okay, I know they have their own rights to join on Facebook, but SRSLY it's like they're going to take your privacy away. and honestly, it sucks.


Lia's said...

untung gue yang bukain fb emak gue, jadi ga mungkin liat2 profile guaa haha tp emang ya demam fb banget deh old people

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

oh yeh mel bapak dan ibuku mempunyai facebook, dan mereka sangat suka minta tolong gw aplotin foto mereka dan kemudian minta tag-in ke om dan tante gw. zzz

Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

keren ya om om tante tante sekarang,menurut lo mereka bakal main2 poke2 an ga ya?hehe,ato isi2 i describe gitu

eh tapi dinegara manaaaa gitu, ada yang sampe cerai loh Nis,gara2 cemburu ga diisiin i describe sama suaminya,suruh bokap lo isi ya Nis -_-

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

yg laku tu fasilitas facebookchatnya tau git kalo old people indonesia. kalo yg bule2 sih semuanya dijabanin hahaha