Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Boy In Curduroy Coat

told you I'm so into writing and poetry. I made this about 4 months ago right after seeing three little kids in a public trans.

if you think this is so The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Story by Tim Burton, you're absolutely right. I just love using the magpies and the illustration like Tim Burton did in his book. especially the magpies. I just love, love, love it! fyi, I'm still looking forward for the second book in any bookstore (they said they ran out of it). if you feel like you see it, just feel free to tell me a.s.a.p and pronto!



Alan Dermawan Zulkifli said...

enak ya bisa gambar

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...


DIENA said...

neng nisah, mau dong digambarin gitu

ber said...

yes i do envy your talent dude, nice draw. btw magpies tuh apa ya? hehe anak dusun maklum

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

magpies itu adalah rima puisi braman. biar dusun tapi ada kamus kan? hahha
anyway thankyou...