Monday, April 06, 2009

it just so happened and it felt like shit

I like your frizzy hair
I like that glassy thingy hanging on your nose
I like your unshaven chin
I like the way you hung that medium-sized towel between your teeth
I like the awkward feeling when we accidentally touched our hands for the first time
I like it when you said you don't smoke because you know you don't need to
I like the way you walk on the hallway block
I like your loneliness 'cause you seem to enjoy that
I like the way you laugh, really
I like the moment I stalked on your Facebook and suddenly I yelled "aha!"
I like your personal style - you never try so hard to be cool, in fact you're cooler than the other who's always trying so hard
I like the way you dug me up then you flipped my world upside down
I like your bullshit alibis
I like you when you cursed me
I like to curse you either
I like to make you feel bad every day, every time, every second
I like you run a whole package of your new life and I'm stuck watching you
I still like you even you don't know who I am and yet consider me as your closest person in your life
I still like you though you picked someone else
I still like you though you seem happy with that new barbie doll
I still like you though we won't even get any closer anymore and probably I will hate you and curse you until you choose me among the others
oh, and I don't want you to choose me anyway

..well, probably


anonymousamateur said...

oh, I'm so with you..
but I'm not sure about the last sentence tho ;p

anyway, thanks for writing the words's nicely put :)

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

hallo anonymousamateur, hehe thanks for reading my blog. about the last sentence, well im not so sure either lol. anyway, keep reading my blog, okay :)

Alan Dermawan Zulkifli said...

cieee, suit suit, prikitiuw, yang baju merah jangan sampe lepaaaas

anonymousamateur said...

I will. you have a very interesting one :)

mitosphere said...

sumpah gue suka banget nissss. aiiiih mateeeeeeekkk

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

ah mitchaaa akyu jadi malyu niiihh