Thursday, April 23, 2009


to be honest this past week was pretty hard for me. everything seems getting clearer day by day and I'm caught in a big depression. clearer means depression. depression means I'd better go to hell.

I'm always trying so hard to be deaf for every single buzzing tone coming near me, yet trying so hard to be blind to face the fact that the fact almost cut my vein.

in the other hand, the assignments were soooooo irritating, I spent the whole week to dig it one by one, night by night. I was sleepless, my brain was also lost, my breath sounded exhausted. I could see there were these half-black-holes hanging under my eyes and it even made me look more like a warlock.

but hey, anyway I think I should thank for those who gave me the assignments. in fact it pretty distracted me from the real shitty thingy. I mean the real shitty thingy, the real shitty thingy. and the great news is I choose for not giving a damn attention to every single thing that will be happen intentionally or unintentionally. I'm definitely over it. it's just the matter of time to let 'em go. time will mend every broken pieces falling from above.



ticil said...

"cut my vin"
uss usss
dalem banget nyeitsss

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

cil makasih udah jadi salah satu yg membantu gw ngelewatin minggu2 ini. it meant a loooottt... :))