Friday, January 22, 2010

KEREN with capital

Winner of YouTube Japan Video Awards 2009 "Hibi No Heiro" by Sour, directed by Masashi Kawamura, Hal Kirkland, Magico Nakamura, and Masayoshi Nakamura. Each person in this video was purely shot via webcam from all around the world (selected from Sour's fan base)

I can say no more to this except UBER COOL with three exclamation marks. Just wonder how long it took to making it from the scratch. Check this out!


Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

ah, bagus parach

Lia's said...


Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy said...

eh tapi masa gw liat iklan indosat yang baru, akhirannya ada gininya juga.

eh eh, gw ngasih lo award loh nis.hehe

Khoirunnisa Wirdaningrum said...

iyaaa dan hmm gw anggap itu menjiplak karena mirip banget nget nget. ah gita so sweet deh hihihi